Introduction to DotNet And Various Skills Expected From .NET Experts


Now this man above seems one of a kind .NET Developer who knows it all. (Pun Intended)


.NET is a programming framework and an open source platform for developers that can be used to develop various forms of applications and it is completely free to work on. This platform has such a great learning curve that it literally makes a learner feel like as if there is no end to it and there is always something new to grasp everyday. Which is the reason why Top .NET Development Companies And Training Institutes keep updating themselves with latest tweaks(which is an everyday thing) to equip their development teams and trainees with the latest versions to stay on the top of knowledge chains.

It came out 16 years ago and it has literally been a hit since then. Released by Windows on the year 2002, It used to run only on Window systems initially but time passed by and the framework went more popular. So now this has remained only a myth and since the release of .NET core, apps developed on .NET can be run on Mac OSx and Linux systems as well.

Although C# is the primary language which is ideally used to code in this framework, it can also be used with various other programming languages such as F#, C++ and VB.NET. C# is mainly used because it supports Object Oriented Programming which makes it more efficient than the other languages. It is Type-Safe, No Memory Leaks, No Versioning Control Problem, Syntax Simplification, Not Limited To just Windows i.e. Cross Platform etc are some of its great advantages over other languages.

Visual Studio is one of the greatest IDE (Integrated Development Environment) on which the .NET apps can be made. It is a place where you can write your code and do all sorts of work required for the completion of your .NET application. This software is powerful and so much popular because of its high number of Language Support, Code Editing (And that too 3 files at the same time), Intellisense Feature(Google This, Its the Best), Debugging, Version Control etc.
All the Major .NET Development Companies make use of Visual Studio to develop their work.

.NET has wide range of Predefined libraries that you can use in your program directly. These libraries are pre-written code submitted by other developers and helps you reduce overhead to a great extent since you won’t have to code for something which you have already found prepared and you just have to put it in your code.

ASP.NET has been released for developing web based applications such as Websites and Webpages. Majority of the online developers community as well as Experienced .NET Development Companies make use of ASP.NET to develop Websites. Clearly the success is directly proportional to the quality and efficiency of a product.So if something is that widely used by the major chunk of the experienced recipients involved in the respective field, then it is clearly worth all the hype.   

Since lot of entities directly come into play while we use this framework to develop a certain application or website, it is natural for person to mandatorily consume the knowledge of all those entities for being able to successfully work on it. So there are some definite milestones one has to nail for being able to call himself a .NET expert.

1. Strong Knowledge of .NET Framework (Duh..!!)
2. Proficiency in Languages such as C# and VB.NET.
3. Good Understanding of Object Oriented Programming.
4. Deep Skill for customizing and implementing Reusable Libraries.
5. A Clean, Scalable and Robust Code Writing Skill
6. Familiarity With CLR i.e. Common Language Run-time
7. Strong Understanding of Versioning Tools Such As Git, SVN etc.
8. Ability to perform Automated and Unit Tests.
9. In-Depth Knowledge of Managing Databases.

This article has highlighted all the necessary points which are required to be learnt for being able to be called a .Net Expert. Still this framework is so deep and inter-operable that you can never learn enough of it and there will always be something new to learn everyday. We will hope that this article will let you have a clearer perception of .NET.


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