Effects Of Minimalist Design Approach On Your Website

Photo Via Freepik

A design is very important for any website or an application as the first impression your product will have on its user will be through its design only. But nowadays, with increased competition, products are seen to be adopting complex designs to stand out from the competition. However, research have shown that it is doing more harm than good for any website.

Leading Designer of one of the leading Mobile Apps And Websites Design And Development Software company And Training Institute commented on this increased issue among the web community and how misconstrued their approach has become on this topic.

Minimalist design means keeping your web or an app design as simple as possible. This type eliminates the use of complex design elements from your product design for the users to understand it better. It doesn’t mean your website or app can not look as sharp as you want. But there won’t be usage of excessive elements in it to provocate the user to run away from it except of getting to understand it. Bold user of colors is encouraged in such design but you won’t find anything hard to understand in it.

Let us see how a minimalistic design should be preferred for any website or a mobile application over the complex one.

Benefits of Minimalism over the Traditional Design Approach:  

1.  Studies have shown lower bounce rate with a minimalistic design against the complex one in A/B Testing. So users preferred to stay longer and work on the products based on a simpler web design. The entire purpose of having a website or a product is getting your users to stay on it but if the complex designs are working against that, then clearly there is no point in preferring it and a simple design should be chosen.

2.  With a simpler design, the website is much more faster in speed and the loading time is comparatively lower due to the presence of lesser elements in it. The complex websites with complicated designs involve a lot of elements which make them slower and a simple design clearly win over it in this one.

3.  If you have a simple design, your website will be easier to be made responsive as you won’t have to get into too much stuff if you have already preferred simplicity. Not only it will be easier to get your website responsive but it will be a lot more efficient than a complicated responsive website. The compatibility lacks in the complex designs and so different screen sizes won’t be designed as efficiently as it could have been in minimalistic approach.

4.   Google has also openly come out and accepted they prefer simpler web designs over the complicated ones. So the search engine rankings get the most affected if your website’s design is more complicated than it should have been. So to get on top of google searches, Simpler design approach should always be preferred.

5.  Negative space is generally more in minimalistic design approaches and it is actually not a bad point. With more negative space on a certain web page, it gets easier for user to follow the right content and the content you would want them to read. More negative spaces makes way for more conversions on your website as to users can easily see the purpose of it after going through your content. Negative space doesn’t mean that it has to be white but it can be of any color as you like, most preferably the one you want your users to perceive in the form of it.

With minimalism, you can not only make your audience follow the right track and read the right content but it also help the audience get your message as soon as they visit you. Complicated designs have a lot of disadvantages and users usually get confused with the idea of it. Harder to deliver the right message and a whole lot of other cons of complex designs make simpler designs the clear winner among the two.


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